Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Moral Messages in An Inspector Calls by J.B....
Moral Messages in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley Priestley wrote an Inspector Calls in 1945 - just before the end of WW2. However, The play itself is set in 1912 - just before the start of WW1, and in Edwardian England. Priestley was a socialist writer who had left wing political views with very strong beliefs; he enjoyed using types of theatre to get his messages across. When the platy was set, there was a lot of historical events going on at the time; Titanic, Captain Scott falling to reach S Pole, Suffragette movement campaigning for womens rights, worker striking for better pay and conditions, Russia unrest, no NHS/DHSS, and no help from state for poor. All of these are mentioned in†¦show more content†¦In An Inspector Calls, Mr. Birling is a prime example of this stereotypical character of the time. In Mr. Birlings big speech before the Inspector arrives, there are many moral issues raised: First of all, the issue of whether the marriage is for love, money, respect or business - Your engagement to Sheila means a tremendous lot to meà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦your father and I have been friendly rivals in business for some time nowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and now youve brought us together. While Mr B does mention that they will make each other very happy he mentions his business a lot, and this shows how he wants the wedding for two reasons, as he wants to climb the social ladder to the top. This is mentioned a number of times at different sections of the play. Mr B refers to business later on in his speech, with the prosperity of the country brought up in the speech suggesting the marriage is for money, and when it turns out Gerald has been keeping a mistress, he still wants the marriage to go ahead making excuses for Gerald; this shows that all Mr. Birling wanted from the marriage was money, resp ect and prosperity for himself. A number of other issues that were around at the time the play was set (1912) are raised; these issues are raised by Priestley are because of his strong political views, and it is clear what he thought onShow MoreRelatedDramatic Devices in Act 1 of An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley546 Words  | 3 PagesDramatic Devices in Act 1 of An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley J.B. Priestley wrote a play in 1940 called â€Å"An Inspector Calls†In Act one Mr Priestley uses dramatic devices to convey his concerns and ideas to members of the audience. He also interests and involves the audience in his play. 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