Monday, December 23, 2019
Canada s Sovereign And Morally Just Approach - 1514 Words
Canada has been highly involved in global issues and has held itself on moral grounds, despite some opposing influence. Canada’s sovereign and morally just approach can be seen in many events in the 20th century, such as in the Second World War, the Korean War, the Suez Crisis and the Vietnam War. As well, Canada’s imperfect, yet improving immigration policy displays the acceptance and unbiased approach Canada has towards people of different backgrounds. Despite some minor missteps and impediments, Canada would make an excellent choice for UN Advisor Country for the reason that Canada has spearheaded much global intervention, especially for such a small (population-wise) and unassuming country. The Second World War was an important event in Canadian history, turning an unobtrusive country on the outer edge of global affairs into a critical player in the 20th century’s most important struggle. The Canadian Prime Minister of the time, William Lyon Mackenzie King was hesitant to join the Second World War due to the devastating effects of the first war still being fresh. Canada took all variables into account and launched Canada into the war very well, with a primary focus on the manufacturing duties of the war. Notably, Canada carried out a vital role in the Battle of the Atlantic, allowing goods produced in Canada to pass the ocean and neutralize threats by German U-boats. In addition, Canada played a big role in the air war over Germany and contributed forces to the campaignsShow MoreRelatedThe Transatlantic Trade And Investment Partnership2022 Words  | 9 Pagessystem in place to promote the well-being of our society. Obstructing our democracy: ISDS provisions are enacted for the sole purpose of getting around, our democratic system. 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